Attention advocates! On Monday, March 6, beginning at 10 A.M. Central Time (11 A.M. Eastern), we will hold a Zoom meeting to prepare for the TN Afterschool Network/United Way Hill Day on March 15.
On Wednesday, March 15, we will contact our legislators about our focus issues in person and via email, mail, Zoom, Facetime, and phone, as well as educate them and the general public by sharing our message on social media.
Message content is being determined at this time. Advocates will also receive general information around logistics and social media, as well as tips for engaging their legislators.
In addition to materials housed on our resource pages (UWTN & TAN), we will be sharing language and templates you can customize and use for your communications with legislators, as well as social media messaging. We’ll also tell you about a social media contest exclusively for Afterschool programs in TN, where the top five programs will win $200 each.
Please RSVP to to ensure you receive all the materials you’ll need for the call on Monday, March 6 at 10 A.M. Central, 11 A.M. Eastern Time. You must email Mary in order to receive meeting credentials.