A reminder that our next open meeting for the Tennessee Afterschool Network Committee is Friday, September 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. central time. We will be in Murfreesboro at the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties’ offices, 3050 Medical Center Parkway (also Chamber building). Please RSVP, as we’re serving lunch. The agenda includes:
- Service Learning—progress and planning, including Julie Rogers Bascom from NYLC
- Afterschool Heals Tennessee—new tools and next steps
- Lights on Afterschool—strategic support
- Rico X– new TN afterschool ambassador, plans and requests
- ALICE—Who is she, and how will she help us with our advocacy work?
- Community share—Inspire and learn from others
- Hubs—who are they and what will they be doing this next go-around?
Hope to see many of you later this month! For more information and to RSVP for lunch, please email Mary Graham at mary.graham@uwtn.org.