Three Webinars Available Through Early November
- Intel Future Skills Educator Academy
October 5 and 7th, 2021: 12:00pm Pacific/2:00pm Central/3:00pm Eastern
Our goal at Intel is to create world-changing technology that enriches the lives of every person on earth. We created Intel Future Skills to ensure that future generations have access to the framework needed for a lifetime of problem solving through discovery through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) learning. We invite you to join us as we build the next generation of STEM leaders by attending an Intel Future Skills Educator Academy. Our virtual hands-on and interactive academy will be facilitated by the educators who helped create Intel Future Skills and the Intel Future Skills team. Everything you need to participate in our academy will be mailed to your home.
By the end of the two day, four hour Intel Future Skills Educator Academy, you will: 1) Have developed a deeper understanding of design thinking and how it acts as a framework for Intel Future Skills; 2) Know more about each of the Intel Future Skills projects and categories; and 3) Be ready to deliver Intel Future Skills content with your students and community.
- Introducing Artificial Intelligence Using Curiosity Machine
October 14, 2021: 8:00am Pacific/10:00am Central/11:00am Eastern
Artificial intelligence can be fun, hands-on, and connected to real life, even for kids. In this training for educators of upper elementary or middle school students, Technovation will showcase our Curiosity Machine artificial intelligence lessons. With these free lessons, help your students learn, play and create solutions to real-world problems with Al. Learn what Al is, how it works, and how your students can use it to solve a problem they care about through our 10-lesson challenge. This is a great program for educators with and without STEM backgrounds!
- Going Deeper: From Curiosity Machine to Technovation Girls Challenge
November 4, 2021: 8:00am Pacific/10:00am Central/11:00am Eastern
Calling all educators who are interested in teaching your students how to solve global problems with technology! While Technovation’s global program is tailored for girls, educators around the world are using this curriculum with all their students. Take your exploration of open-ended design challenges with your students to the next level by learning about this multi-week opportunity for students to dive deep into coding or AI and a passion project that could change the world and themselves. This program will prepare students not only to succeed as a STEM learner but as an entrepreneur as well.