We have two task forces you can join to get involved and truly make a difference in the quality of afterschool programming for Tennessee’s children and youth!
- Educational Systems Liaison Task Force: The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to help us widen our reach by assisting us to establish a point of contact in every location throughout the state where after school programming takes place. By establishing a one-point contact with local school-level personnel, we can ensure programs are in synch with schools, share resources and information, and advocate for afterschool at the local level.
- State Afterschool Standards Task Force: The Tennessee Afterschool Network is developing state standards for afterschool programming, in consultation with state agencies, program leaders, community organizations, and beyond! We’re looking for experts to join this effort to ensure our standards are strong and a good fit for Tennessee!
If you would like to participate on either task force, please contact mary.graham@uwtn.org, and she will share more details on the projects and commitment level, as well as connect you with our task force chairs, Katie Kendall and Stephanie Turnbow, respectively.